Medication while in School
If it is necessary for a student to take medication while in school, or if your child requires an inhaler or EpiPen, the following items are required to be on file in the Health Office, according to NYS Dept. of Education, the Hyde Park Board of Education, and the Nurse Practice Act:
1. A written physician's order for the medication. (this includes over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, Tums). The order must state the student's full name, name of medication, dosage and route information, frequency and time of administration, reason for medication, prescriber's name, title, signature and phone number.
2. The parent or guardian must sign a permission form giving the school the authority to administer the medication.
3. Medication must be brought into school by an adult in the original container from the pharmacy.
A Medication Administration form can be printed from the link found at the bottom of this page or it can be obtained through the Health Office.
Medication orders are good for the current school year. A new medication order is required for each new school year, this includes asthma inhalers and Epi-Pens.