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College Search


Petersons Colleges and Universities:  Finding your perfect college fit doesn't need to be a major headache. Here are search tools for some of the best colleges and universities, articles, and resources to help you find the right school, contact admissions officials instantly, excel on tests, and pay for college.

Xap: On-line applications to over 500 colleges. Includes college information, campus tours, financial aid information and scholarship search, career assessment and more.

College Prep: Helping students prepare for college since 1996 through the process of applying to, selecting and transitioning to college.

CSO College Center: Search for college opportunities and register a student profile to connect with colleges. Colleges Team up with the Center for Student Opportunity and the CSO College Center online clearinghouse to help promote the array of college opportunities that exist for first-generation and other historically underserved college-bound students.

CollegeNET: Search 2 yr. & 4 yr. schools. with links to many schools’ home pages and online applications.  Scholarship searches and links to other education and financial aid.

College View: College search using 10 different criteria such as major, state, student body size and college athletics, or type in the school name directly.  Profiles of over 3,500 colleges with e-mail connections to admission offices and links to college home pages.

Go Train: Guide to vocational training schools.

Mass Mentor: Free service with info. on independent colleges and universities of Massachusetts including specific info., campus tours, financial aid info., and online applications

Princeton Review: Search for colleges, business schools, law schools, and medical schools with links to schools’ home pages.  Variety of info. on admissions, testing, and financial aid.

Students.Gov: Information on preparing for college, vocational schools, study abroad, distance learning education, internships, careers, job search, military service options, college tuition and financial aid FAFSA online, scholarships, and much more.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA): is the organization through which the nation's colleges and universities speak and act on athletic matters.

Here are listings of colleges and universities sponsoring each of the sports in which the NCAA conducts a championship.  Each list contains hyperlinks to information on each school, including address, athletic department contacts, other sponsored NCAA sports and conference affiliations.
